Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July Draft

Annie - Malcolm Young - Cancer
Alex - Sam Simon - Cancer
Chris - Zsa Zsa - Pnuemonia 
Frank - Glen Campbell - Heart Failure
Steve - Woody Allen - Drowning
Mike - James Garner - Stroke
Andie - Louise Rayner - Pnuemonia
Lisa - Charlie Sheen - OD
Lori - Billy Graham - Resp Failure

Monday, June 16, 2014


Alex - Sam Simon - Cancer
Lori - Billy Graham - Resp Failure
John - Chris Lee - Stroke
Annie - Malcolm Young - Cancer
Frank - Glenn Campbell - Heart Attack
Andie - Zsa Zsa - Pneumonia
Lisa - Jim Kelly - Cancer
Chris - Eli Wallach - Resp Failure
Steve - Woody Allen - Drowning
Mike - James Garner - Stroke
Eric - Pope Benedict - Heart Failure

Celebrity Death Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn dies of cancer at 54

June 16, 2014 at 12:35PM

Friday, March 7, 2014

March 7th Draft Picks

Shelia - Eli Wallach, Heart Failure
Annie - Bernie Madoff, Kidney Failure
Page - Bob Dole, Heart Failure
Mike - James Garner, Stroke
Lonnie - Carol Channing, Stroke
Steve - Fidel Castro, Heart Failure
Jeremey - Hosni Mubarak, Heart Failure
Frank - Betty White, Respitory Failure
Alex - Geo H Bush, Stroke
Sabrina - Dick Cheney, Respitory Failure
Lisa - Olivia de havalland, Pnuemonia
Lori - Billy Graham, Respitory Failure
Andrea - Kirk Douglas, Heart Attack
Chris - Wilko Johnson, Cancer

Friday, February 7, 2014

Dead Pool Draft for February

Lonny - Carol Channing STROKE
Frank - Betty White RESP FAILURE
Jeremy - Leonard Nimoy LUNG FAIL
Mike - James Garner STROKE
Shelia - Fidel Castro STROKE
Page - Bob Dole PNUEMONIA
Andie - Kirk Douglas HEART ATTACK
Alex - George Bush Sr. PNUEMONIA
Sabrina - Dick Cheney RESP FAILURE
Annie - Bernie Madoff KIDNEY DIS.
Lori - Billy Graham RESP FAILURE
Chris - Wilco Johnson PAN. CANCER
Lisa - Prince Phillip PNUEMONIA
Steve - Hosni Mubarak HEART ATTACK


Dead Pool Draft Tonight

Feb 7th at 9pm.  Keep in mind out of town players can pay via the paypal widget on the webpage!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January's Picks

Steve - Hasni Mubarak - heart attack
Andie - Casey Kasum - stroke
Frank - Doris Day  - heart attack
Lori - Billy Garaham - respitory failure
Chris - Zsa Zsa Gabor - respitory failure
Mike - James Garner - stroke
Sabrina - Dick Cheney - heart attack
Page - Bob Dole - kidney failure
Shelia - Fidel Casro - stroke
Jeremey - Clint Eastwood - aneurism
Lonnie - Olivia De Havlilland - stroke
Lisa - Prince Phillip - respitory failure
Annie - Maureen O'hara - heart failure
Alex - George Bush Sr. - pnuemonia